Customer case of rice color sorter in Tanzania

Customer case of rice color sorter in Tanzania

March 19, 2023

It was a winter evening when we received an inquiry from a customer named Mohamed from Tanzania. At that time, the customer simply sent an email asking if our machine could remove bad off-color rice, and did not leave his whatsapp number. After I replied several emails to the customer and gave him a detailed introduction of the functions and features of our color sorter, as well as some videos of rice sorting, he told me that this machine was exactly what he was looking for and left his whatsapp number.


After chatting for a few days, I knew that Mohamed is a rice factory owner who specializes in supplying various kinds of rice to medium and large supermarkets. His rice production line was equipped with almost a lot of equipment like huller machine, rice milling machine, and destoner machine, but his rice still could not sell at a good price and did not sell well in supermarkets because his rice had some steamed black inside, which affected the quality of rice. Later he learned from friends that there is a machine that can remove bad rice from good rice, but he did not know the name of this machine, so he searched on google, he told me that this is also the reason he did not leave his whatsapp number at first, he was worried that the search was not the machine he needed.


I told him that our machine could not only color sorting but also shape sorting and screen out the broken rice, so that his rice could be graded and sold at different prices, and he was very happy. He soon made a decision and signed a purchase order with us. The whole process from receiving the order, to production, shipping, and customs clearance by the customer took almost 2 months,  he received the machine, and he praised us for working so efficiently! 

Each machine before delivery,we all check and test carefully to save programs,so that the customer can use directly after installation, without adjustment, saving a lot of time, which makes him very happy and satisfied. Since he used our color sorter machine, his rice sold very well in the supermarket and was very popular, he said~


“When I was worried about the poor quality of our rice, I found TOPSORT and their professional sales team answered all my questions. The machine sorted very well, which made me very happy. Good value for money, a recommended seller”Mohamed said.

rice color sorter project

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